Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove



Hope When Your Heart is Breaking: The Choices That Wound Us; The Wisdom That Heals Us

with Ron Hutchcraft

April 24-26, 2023

A central part of the human experience is pain. We all experience loss in our lifetimes – loss of a loved one, loss of our health, loss of a dream, loss of hope. The direction of our lives isn’t determined by what happens to us or those around us, but rather the choices we make during and after those seasons. Allow the truth of God’s Word to penetrate your life and illuminate how He can turn your greatest loss into your greatest gain.

Ron Hutchcraft

RON HUTCHCRAFT is an evangelist, speaker, author, radio host, and president of Ron Hutchcraft Ministries. He is also co-founder, with his late wife Karen, of On Eagles’ Wings, an outreach and leadership development program for Native American and First Nations young people. He is the co-founder of the Warrior Leadership Summit conference, which annually brings together young people from almost 100 Native communities. For more than 35 years, Hutchcraft has been an important part of people’s daily lives through A Word With You, a radio program heard on more than 1,300 outlets across the country and broadcast internationally in six languages. Hutchcraft served as the Chairman of the 1991 Northern New Jersey Billy Graham Crusade, has frequently spoken at BGEA’s pre-Crusade events, and has trained Christian leaders through the Billy Graham Schools of Evangelism. He has authored many books, including his latest released in 2021 called Hope When Your Heart is Breaking: Finding God’s Presence in Your Pain. Hutchcraft has three children and nine grandchildren.

