Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove



Understanding the Present Heaven and the Future New Earth

with Randy Alcorn

Worship Leader, Michael O'Brien
October 23-25, 2024

As believers living in a broken world, we are “looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth” (2 Peter 3:13, NIV). We await a great reunion with those we have loved and lost, and we anticipate seeing Jesus face to face. We need to reject false views of Heaven and know what Scripture really says. This can transform our perspective on life, God, and grief. Gain a deeper and more biblical understanding of the meaning of resurrection and the eternal home Jesus is preparing for us.

Randy Alcorn

RANDY ALCORN is a New York Times bestselling author of more than sixty books including Heaven (over one million sold) and The Treasure Principle (over two million sold), and the award-winning novel Safely Home. His book sales exceed twelve million and have been translated into over seventy languages. He is the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries ( Randy and his wife, Nanci (now with Jesus), have two married daughters and five grandsons. He resides in Gresham, Oregon and enjoys his family, tennis, biking, underwater photography, research, and reading.

Michael O'Brien

With more than 29 years in full-time ministry, Michael O’Brien enjoys frequent opportunities to lead worship and perform concerts in churches and conferences throughout the United States. The former lead singer for the group NewSong, He garnered several number one singles during his solo career in the early ‘90s, as well as others (“When God Made You,” “Rescue,” and “Psalm 40”) during his seven-year tenure with NewSong. Michael has recorded five solo projects, the latest being “Crown Him,” featuring duets with his wife and four children.

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