Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove



Leaving a Godly Legacy

with Anne Graham Lotz and Rachel-Ruth Wright

August 20-22, 2021

The greatest gift a parent or grandparent can give children is to introduce them to Jesus when they are young and then nurture their faith. When we are intentional and pass the Truth to the next generation, we give them a lifetime to grow in Christ and bear fruit. Come be inspired through Biblical teaching. Walk in faith, that someday soon you will see the little ones you love take up the mantle to serve Christ and answer His call to follow Him. This year’s event is reserved for those who have not attended an Anne Graham Lotz seminar for the last five years (2016-2020). Reservations may be made by calling 828-771-4800 (online reservations not available).

Anne Graham Lotz

ANNE GRAHAM LOTZ was called “the best preacher in the family” by her father, Billy Graham. She speaks around the globe with the wisdom and authority of years spent studying God’s Word. The New York Times named Anne one of the five most influential evangelists of her generation. Her Just Give Me Jesus revivals have been held in more than 30 cities in 12 different countries, with hundreds of thousands of attendees. Whether contributing opinion pieces to a national newspaper or speaking on platforms throughout the world, Anne’s aim is clear—to bring revival to the hearts of God’s people; and her message is consistent—calling people into a personal relationship with God through His Word. Anne is a best-selling and award-winning author of more than 21 books. Her most recent release is Preparing to Meet Jesus, which she co-authored with her daughter, Rachel-Ruth Wright. She is the president of AnGeL Ministries in Raleigh, North Carolina, and served as chairwoman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force.

Rachel-Ruth Wright

RACHEL-RUTH WRIGHT is a Bible teacher and conference speaker. The daughter of Anne Graham Lotz, she is the mother of three daughters. Rachel-Ruth teaches a weekly Bible Study. She also serves on the Board of Directors for AnGeL Ministries, in addition to chairing the weekly prayer team that undergirds her mother’s ministry. Her passion for leading children to Jesus and getting them into God’s Word compelled her to lead monthly missions’ chapels at her children’s school; to teach middle school children at the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Coaches Camp; and helped to inspire her mother’s first children’s book, Heaven: God’s Promise for Me. Rachel-Ruth feels called to encourage others to fall in love with Jesus through the teaching of His Word.

